2 min readJan 23, 2021


My Greatest Motivators

Motivation is one of the strongest forces on one’s life path. How does it work? You need to do something not very pleasant — you don’t want to do it — you find a piece of motivation — you do it. It is said you shouldn’t wait for a motivator to appear, you have to start acting and you’ll see it coming. Though motivation is a powerful thing, you shouldn’t rush to the final destination. Small reasonable goals and one step at a time — these are the best concepts of one’s action, to my mind.

Nevertheless, enough of my attempts of philosophical explanations, let’s get down to the topic: what are my motivators?

Frankly speaking, the list is huge, but of course I will tell you about the most interesting ones. Most of it is about people: either I want to be like them or I want to do something for them.

1. Frog thing. One of my close friends told me about a frog life-hack that was super helpful. Imagine you need to eat a frog — would you prefer to do it in the morning and forget about it or would you live the whole day thinking about the frog and being terrified? Same thing with your daily tasks: either you worry about them and damage your mental health or do the thing and let it off your chest. And now we joke about frogs every day, even though sometimes it’s not funny.

2. DOBRO. (join us!) People from my counselors club are highly energetic, positive and hardworking. I really want to have at least 50% of their determination, so they are a very important part of my motivation chart.

3. My friends and the freshmen. This is a “for them” part. I truly want to do all the best for people around me. I am the happiest person with the best freshmen group ever and I want to share everything I know. As for the friends, I want to be the helper, so I like being around them and also they motivate me for sure (all the ‘singers’, ‘leaders’, ‘jokers’, ‘supporters’, etc.)

4. The teachers. I KNOW people are sick of my constant talking about my love and respect towards our American Chair teachers, but they ARE the greatest motivators for me. I’ve never met so many professional, kind, patient, wise and loving people. Even if I’m not going to be lucky to be their colleague, I want to absorb each and every piece of knowledge and skill from them and to become one of the greatest teachers. Keep my fingers crossed.

5. And of course, inspirational quotes. “Nothing is forever”, “keep your eyes on the prize”, “be the change you want to see” are my #1.

And here’s a pie chart I’ve created:




Do not be angry with the rain; it simply does not know how to fall upwards (c)