1 min readMar 30, 2020

A Sudden Spring Challenge Day 1

I decided to discipline myself during these terrible days of quarantine. I just want to track all the useful things I do in general, plus living in English, of course.

So, today I:
* Started an additional course of counselors school;
* Started my readers copybook for the World Literature;
* Cleaned up my room;
* Played Monopoly online with my friends;
* Made a heart from modular origami;

+ Watched a cooking show with my Mom in English (we have two channels in English, I was shocked)
I translated what the woman was doing and my Mom was writing everything down. It was very funny.
+ Watched a couple of episodes of Supergirl (s5ep10 - s5ep14)

+ Watched an episode of Lie to me (s1ep10)
+ Talked to my new American "friend" about the time of our online meeting;
+ Played games in English (it was useful too!)

So, new words and phrases:
- From a game:
Plead - умолять
Rogue - мошенник

- From a cooking show:
Glaze - глазурь
Apron - фартук

- From a TV show:
To feel under the weather - to feel sick
To be sitting ducks - to be unprotected or vulnerable
One step at a time - gradually

And a wise thought:
"You can't undo the past" (c)


Do not be angry with the rain; it simply does not know how to fall upwards (c)